Photo show at
WIth the chorus from Irkutsk, Siberia
                Lexington Wealth Management
                12 Waltham St. 2nd Floor, Lexington
                April 23 to June 20, 2019
        Reception Tuesday, April 23, 5:30-8:30
Come see my photos of people in the USSR from the summer of 1991.
Lexington Wealth Management invited me to display some photos and I chose these because
        this was an important time at the end of the last cold war,
        this was a great time for me to expand my horizons and make good friends, and
        now is a good time to remind myself and others that the citizens of a country are not defined by the images created by their country, our country, or the media.
Email me to let me know if you think you will come, or not.
or respond to the Facebook Event.
Come see people having fun, waiting in line, doing work, being on vacation, being with family and friends. There are pictures from Moscow and some suburbs and also Crimea and Siberia. I hope you can connect at a feeling level with some of the people I met and enjoyed.
Mark S. Hoffman